Sunday, 30 March 2014

Beautiful again...

Scouring and looking for perfection, I found this photograph of a beautiful man. Should my quest end just now, there and then, as he truly is a magnificent specimen of the ideal man, isn't he? 

Lovely man too

Who are you beautiful man?
Where does one find you?
What's your favourite food?
Your favourite colour?
Your favourite book? Film? 
You are beautiful, lovely, gorgeous.
How does it feel to be adored?

Beauty defined

In the series of beauty, I give you this man. I cannot express how he makes me feel just now, let's just say that I need to spend some time on my own for a while and attend to a pressing urgent matter...

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

A hand?

I think that I am in love...
Do you need a hand with that?

Tuesday, 25 March 2014


Words fail me, so much beauty, so much sexiness.

This is pure, this is it, this is... 2625