Sunday, 27 April 2014

Beauty defined

There is beauty and I have witnessed it my friends. Here we have beauty, let us all be thankful.


And just look at that gorgeous hunk...

Thursday, 24 April 2014

What we need

The gentle curves
The amazing frame
The soft cover of fur

He is beauty
He is the answer
He is
What we need

The adored

Sometimes, words are futile...

The beach

I dreamt of the beach last nigh, it was naked men's heaven, beauty abounding everywhere you looked it was perfect, I was at peace, happy watching beauty and perfection...

I want to go there again!

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Oh Yes!

Hair is beautiful
Hair is everything

Hair is now
Hair is always


Yes Yes Yes

Sunday, 13 April 2014



Extremely impressive or attractive
"he looked stunning"

Remarkable, extraordinary, staggering


Impressive, outstanding, amazing

Astonishing, marvellous, phenomenal

Splendid, imposing, breathtaking



Post shower is always 
such a nice refreshing feeling.

Beauty defined

Please do not stop 

being that beautiful





Speechless in London





Thank you for being so beautiful

Pipe haze

I have found true love 
in a haze of pipe smoke
his gaze is enough
for me to know

Pipe dream

Sensational man

I'm a lumberjack

I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay, 

I sleep all night and I work all day

I cut down trees

I eat my lunch

I go to the lavatory

On wednesdays I go shopping and 

have buttered scones for tea

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Secret love

Once I had a secret love, 

that lived within the heart of me, 

all too soon my secret love, 

became impatient to be free

Discerning man

I love a man of distinction, wearing exquisite wear, drink in hand, waiting for entertainment to begin with a discerning look in his eyes... The neck ware and the colour of the js are particularly well chosen.

What is love?

... you know that life is worth living, that one day, yes one day, you will be together, forever.

You know?

... you know that he is perfect, you know that you and him are perfect, you know...

You know...

Sometimes you see someone, and you know...

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Mr Incredibly Gorgeous

In the series of unbelievable men and adorability, here's a very special man that has helped many frustrations and quiet night in... Thank you Mr Incredibly Gorgeous, I owe you one big time, you are the reason, you are lovely, you are 2625.


Could this guy get any lovelier?
Possibly not, it's hard to improve perfection.

Am I being obsessive?
Damn right I am, how can you not be?

Who are you? Where are you?
Please someone, tell me, PLEASE

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Trail of ecdysisteness

It has now been attained.
Look at that face. Those arms. Those eyes.
The perfect age.
The glorious beard.
The chest.
All others are irrelevant from this point onwards.
2625 we salute you.
We honour you.
We have searched so long.
Warriors of 2625.
The 2625 Army.
A battalion of three.
Devoted to you - 2625.
Thank you Warrior Tub.
You field blaze a trail of ecdysisteness. 

Letter of thanks from a fan
worth a share me think!