Wednesday, 22 April 2015

You are everything

You're everything I hope for
I am breathless
You're everything I need
How amazing you are
You are so beautiful to me
I want you now
I want you tonight
I want you tomorrow
I simply want & need you

Monday, 13 April 2015

A little place I know....

I went to a little place I know this morning, around 9h30. It was deserted except for a couple of joggers here and there. Soon this cab drove to the car park, out comes out this beefy middle aged man, stocky, very me... he walked up to the wooded area, then saw me, we exchanged a look, it went further down the woods, I followed for a while, he disappeared. I walked back and saw him coming back minutes later, trousers unzipped cock out. We walked to a quiet area and then we sucked cock, for a nice long time, he had a nice thick cock, with big hanging balls. He really liked mine and kept pushing me away from his so that he could have fun with mine. I came down his throat. he came while I was coming. Perfect. Mike the cabby went back to his cab, with a smile on his face, and I went to the supermarket to get food...