Sunday, 9 October 2011

The master builder is the most powerful builder in his home town.

By fortunate coincidences that he had conceived of in his mind, something he had wished for, but never acted upon, he has come to imagine that he only has to wish for something for it to come to pass.

This he rationalises as a particular gift from the 2625 God, bestowed so that, through his natural success of beauty, he can carry out his ordained work of an almighty 2625 temple, in the hope to see me again...

His desire for me, supposedly still fresh from our encounter ten years ago, has now brought him to me, even though we have not met in the interim.

The realistic interpretation of this story is that I have maintained an almost girlish, irrational, erotic obsession for my "ageless beautiful prince" and have I am now claiming the "magic life" he can offer as he has returned. I want the fantasy of an "ecstatic erotic encounter" in order to entrap him through awakened desire, and guilt, I want him for me, an me alone, never to be shared, never can he go away again.... Never

thank you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG look at the packet on that man! Is it real?