Saturday, 17 December 2011

Milton we love you!

To all you faithful I give you this almighty of the mighties gift of a man, all the way from NZ, curtsy of our friend Marcus who is stuck out there, not far from him... His name is Milton Jones, he is rich, he is an hyperactive cattle, pub and charter flight company baron. He is currently under investigation over alleged aviation and safety breaches while piloting his helicopters.... Now wouldn't you love to share a cell with this beast?!

2625 is truly the best, it is good, it has given us Milton Jones!

Hail 2625 for it is beauty and understanding!



Anonymous said...

Actually, Milton Jones is an Australian grazier, not a New Zealander (Kiwi), and has a huge spread in the Northern Territory.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the gratefully received and helpful comment! So of to Australia we go then in the search of Mr Jones....